Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC), Healthy Aging & Senile Dementia (HASD) and The Adult Children Study (ACS) Databases Query

Welcome to the Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center ADRC, HASD and ACS combined databases. This site is managed by the Data Management Biostatistics Core at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The goal of this site is to provide updated summaries from the ADRC, HASD and ACS cohorts by single or multiple modalities.

Total of ADRC,HASD and ACS Combined
  • Baseline Demographics for ADRC,HASD and ACS clinical cohort
  • Active Demographics for ADRC,HASD and ACS clinical cohort
    ('Active' refers to participants who have had a clinical assessment in the past 18 months and who are expected to return for follow-up)
  • ACS Only(new)
  • Baseline Demographics for ACS clinical cohort
  • Active Demographics for ACS clinical cohort
    ('Active' refers to participants who have had a clinical assessment in the past 18 months and who are expected to return for follow-up)
  • Single Modality
  • Number of participants by frequency of clinical/cognitive assessments
  • Number of participants by frequency of CSF assessments
  • Number of participants by frequency of MRI assessments
  • Number of participants by frequency of Amyloid PET assessments
  • Number of participants by frequency of TAU PET assessments
  • Double Modality
    (all participants have clinical assessments)
    SAS Output
    Number of pairs with both CSF and MRI by time interval

    Time interval(day)
    between CSF
    and MRI
    Number of
    pairs with
    Number of
    unique pairs
    with both
    000-090 1460 893
    091-180 269 246
    181-270 113 101
    271-365 114 101
    366-455 141 123
    456-545 90 77
    546-635 108 93
    636-730 114 88
    Total 2409 1722

  • CSF + Amyloid PET
  • MRI + Amyloid PET
  • Amyloid PET + TAU PET
  • Triple Modality
    (all participants have clinical assessments)
  • CSF + MRI + Amyloid PET
  • MRI + Amyloid PET + TAU PET
  • Amyloid PET + TAU PET + CSF
  • For additional assistance please contact us.

    Data Management and Biostatistics Core
    Division of Biostatistics - Dr. Chengjie Xiong's Lab
    Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
    660 S. Euclid Ave
    St. Louis MO 63110

    Emily Gremminger, Project Manager